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Hello - can you tell me how to completely uninstall and remove all traces of Simplepress? Some traces apparently linger (perhaps only in a database somewhere) even after doing the following:
- Checking both boxes in the Simplepress uninstall options
- Deactivating the plugin (which shows the expected deletion warning)
- Deleting the plugin via Wordpress plugins
- Manually deleting the couple sp directories that are not removed by the above process, using a FTP client.
I can determine that not every trace of Simplepress is removed following these actions, because after doing them, and installing a freshly download simplepress zip file, it remembers that it was previously set for uninstall after deactivation. The plugin shows this in the Wordpress plugins display, and the plugin is unusable - none of the various tabs/option areas are displayed. There was also an error message upon activation, "Plugin header is not valid". However the plugin did activate, with the problems mentioned.
Please note I am not using a caching plugin & I am not running on a host like WPEngine that does their own caching by default. I am running WP v4.6.1 & Simplepress 5.7.1
If you properly uninstall simple press, it should remove all traces (except the plugin itself of course).... first, go to forum - toolbox - uninstall... select the uninstall option and decide if you want to remove some other data (ie themes, plugins, uploads, etc)... the from the wp plugin page, deactivate the plugin... done...
if you did this and it didnt work, would appreciate more info on what was not removed because it works in testing and no other reports... also, be worth checking the php error log to see if there was a problem encountered...
but if you want to manually do it, you can look in your db and find and table like wp_sfxxxxx where xxxx is the specific simple press table... note, your db prefix might be other than wp_... once that is done, any new activation of simple press plugin will require a fresh install...
if all your non db data (ie plugins, themes, etc) was stored in default locations, you could then remove the wp-content/sp-resources directory and clean up any other non db type data... use caution as this may remove purchased themes and plugins...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

guys - thanks for the replies. I did follow the exact directions you gave for a normal full uninstall. I did not take a look at the tables between the removal and reinstall; however the symptom was the Simplepress "knew" it had previously been installed and upon activation still sees whatever flag you set that tells the plugin it is in uninstall mode. None of the other plugin options appeared which was also odd.
I'm going to look more closely at the database, run through this again and I'll provide more technical details as to what happens.

After performing the full uninstall (checking both boxes in the plugin uninstall section), and deleting the plugin, a bunch, & perhaps all of the tables are present:
I already removed the one lingering directory that was not removed; I will drop these tables adn reinstall to see if it acts like a new install....

Is it possible this is unrelated to my problem and there is an issue with downloads of Simplepress?
Going back to the dashboard I can see that the plugin is installed, but did not activate. I attempt to activate it again and it seems normal. I get the "install Simplepress" tab, and start the install and it seems to build all the table without problems. A quick run through of the admin side and the default forums seems to be error free...
Thanks for your help on this!
no, its not normal... the initial error message is not indicative of a previous version though...
also a bit odd that reactivating would not give the same message... afraid I dont have a ready answer for that... but if it activates and seems well, then I say press on... 😉
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

It is entirely likely that your database server is set up to disallow the user being used in your wp-config.php file from dropping tables. I use this facility regularly on test sites with no problem and we do know of users who have uninstalled successfully to start over after an initial test run.
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