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I was booted after recent upgrade, as administrator trying to login via wp-login.php.
"1047764 You have been redirected here from domain.ext which is protected against brute-force attacks by GOTMLS.NET"
I had to rename directory wp-content/plugins/gotmlsx to restore access. The problem resulted when I was updating the database after updating to Simple:Press Version 5.5.4 Build 12424.
Compatibility issue with that product updating the database and the brute-force monitoring falsely identifying it as of malevolent intent. Locked my IP out completely.
I had to deactivate "Anti-Malware and Brute-Force Security by ELI 4.14.57" to edit any values in Simple:Press 5.5.4 Build 12424, where it blocks menu access and edits within the Simple:Press admin console, and loading of admin content. Serious compatibility issue!
We are not running any special configurations or customizations with either plugin. Everything is up to date, including Wordpress 4.1 as of this date. This problem only started after recent update of Simple:Press first... while using older version or Eli... but updating Eli to latest version did not change the conflict either.
Never mind... I can't delete this post. ELI 4.14.58 solved the issue. Resolved.
Rather... it is a profound plugin. Has saved my client's Wordpress sites more times than I can count, preserves the domain and email integrity and stops brute force and breaches cold. Highly rated among webmasters and server technicians alike, not to be scoffed at or simply dumped due to a temporal inconvenience. But like any other plugin, including Simple:Press, bugs slip through. Eli group fixed it in a matter of half a day. Thanks.
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