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Every time my simple:press plugin is updated or when I change or update the theme, the theme is not applied to the forum anymore. I have to manually copy backup files to the 'wordpress/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-cache' directory to restore the layout of the forum. What could be the reason that the files in this folder are removed and not restored properly after an update? Any solutions?
We remove the cached CSS and JS files after an update simply because there is a strong chance that individual components of the files have been changed. However - if you have the cache turned on (forum admin > options > global settings) then the very first time the forum is again run it should immediately rebuild itself.
I have to say we have no reports that this fails to happen but if this IS the case for you then the only thing that comes to mind would be a permission issue where an automatic creation of the cache files is denied by the server.
The same thing happens, by the way, if you use the 'reset cache' option in the toolbox > housekeeping. Useful for test purposes or when a user makes their own changes.
So - if you are experiencing an issue here can I suggest you firstly check folder permissions and the owner/group (UID/GID) of the folder in case that is the blockage.
Disabling the caching of CSS and JS files solves the problem, thank you for the reference to this setting. My forum does not have high traffic so disabling the combined CSS and JS cache is probably not a problem.
The folder permission of the 'forum-cache’ folder is standard (771) and the owner is also the standard owner for my website. Is it possible that Simple:Press cannot find the correct source files or that a security setting on my site prevents Simple:Press from accessing these files? I checked the error log but I can't find any errors that might be related to the CSS and JS cache.
0771 isnt really standard... but doesnt mean its not right for your configuration...
so yeah, if permissions such that we cannot create the cache, better to disable...
thanks for the update...
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