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I have WordPress 3.3.2, ThemeFit Hybrid 1.2.0083, and Simple:Press 5.0.5. I wish to create a custom icon set so the default icons and default avatar images (moderator, member, guest) in simple:press are different. I read in that it is best not to overwrite the existing default icons as they could be changed in an upgrade. The instructions on that page say "Create a new folder in the forum styles/icons/ folder with a unique name of the set you want to create." Unfortunately I cannot find any forum styles/icons folder.
The default icons are in wp-content/sp-resources/themes/default/images/
The default avatar icons are in wp-content/sp-resources/forum-avatars/
There is a folder wp-content/sp-resources/forum-custom-icons/
Could you please tell me the exact paths to create folders for custom icons and avatar images that will override the defaults?
first, you should create your own sp theme...
the wiki you were looking at is really for version 4.x... You would want the codex (see link above) for 5.0 stuff...
once you have your own sp theme, you can just replace any of the icons you want... would be in the location where you are storing your themes, by default it would by wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/your-theme/images
be careful not to confuse the custom icons with the theme icons... the theme comes with a single icon that is used for all groups, forums and topics... using the custom icon admin panel (forum - forums - custom icons) you can specify a unique and custom icon for each group and forum and for the topics within each forum... those will get stored in wp-content/sp-resources/forum-custom-icons/
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
up to you... there are some theme updates in 5.1, but any themes from pre 5.1 will still work just fine... but since they are being released tomorrow, would make sure you have the latest everything...
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