Support Forum
Something apparently strange is going on when I select a custom icon for my members group heading.
Selected an animated gif like had just worked for static jpg for open group, but wasn't there when previewed?
Thinking it didn't like animated gif, experiment on another group and forum heading it worked fine?
You can see what I mean
Cool I see attaching it worked, do you see blue 4x4 icon used on this site?
Look center rotated 45 degrees, that's Botchee 4x4 !
Sorry my flipbook plugin froze-up, hopefully will restore rulebook working soon.
Animated gif works fine as member forum heading too, but not group heading, maybe delete and recreate the group?
Just look there and see it on the group and the forum both working now for you it seems. Unless I am missing something there. Are you referring to the blue on I downloaded it as well and its not animated
Blue box is used more for editing, not so much viewing the forums.
Looks like this link may work:
that's it as attachment, this forum must use preview plugin?
Been seeing that WaitBox a lot lately!
The group where I was trying to use it is hidden if not logged-in.
Thanks for help!
what are we trying to do here? use an animate gif for a forum icon?? should be no issue as long as its just a simple img tag to the animation, ie no js or external link..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
what are we trying to do here? use an animate gif for a forum icon?? should be no issue as long as its just a simple img tag to the animation, ie no js or external link..
Yes just simple animated gif, worked ok sometimes?
Not a big deal, just one of those weird deals .. moved on to try blog-linking and ran into another strange situation! This is a screencapture of said strange situation .. got blog-linking to work logged in as an admin, and noticed previous post (technical-difficulties-abound) displayed a link to the forum, but it was to second blog-linking post (didn't create new forum post), the first test had failed having not changed any setting in the blog-linking plugin. Trashed, emptied trash of post then tried posting it again, this time logged in as an editor, now it does as shown in the screencapture.
The little dropdown starts to open then hangs. Tried a completely new repost, same result you can see at where I'm experimenting. SP looks really cool, even re-sized the attached image on the fly! Hope can resolve this little bug, maybe it will work logged-in as admin. That would help, but needs to work logged in as editor and author too. Thanks for great SP integration with WP!
If the normal operation of the blog linking form and procedure is not functioning then this would suggest we are in conflict with another plugin that is also operating in some way on new blog posts. So the first task would be to find out what. So - do you have any plugins active that in any way add components to the post edit panel - or add any sort of extra code to perform tasks associated with writing and saving a post?
Hi Yellowfish, nothing affecting blog posts that I'm aware of .. have comments disabled in favor of forum link.
Just posted another test as admin and dropdown menu was fine, but all my posts now have forum link to the new topic
Not good .. supposed to only link each blog post to it's associated forum topic?
Will try again as editor-tipsy
You can see test results here:
Do you have example site where blog-linking is used?
Duplicated the problem on another wordpress install running on a different server.
Blog-linking only generates a forum post when logged-in as admin the admin!
Please view test results currently showing at
Last post by admin the admin caused all posts to have the same link to a single forum topic.
You best check your permission settings.
To make a blog linked post the user must
- have the WordPress capability to write blog posts and
- have the Simple:Press permission to create blog linked posts
Simple:Press Admins have this permission by default. Are you sure you have turned on this permission for your other users who can create posts under WP?
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