Support Forum

I recently upgraded the forum to the latest build.
I had added some custom smilies long back and they were working well but after the upgrade, the smilies are not working.
I can see them below the add post window but nothing happens on clicking them.
The error log is showing the following error
file: /simple-press/forum/content/forms/sp-form-components.php
line: 469
function: sp_post_editor_smileys_options
Notice | Trying to get property of non-object
And if I add the code of a smiley to a post, it comes up fine.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums

The notice you have been receiving is a nuisance but actually is a red-herring and, in this case, a coincidence. it has been cleaned up ready for the next update but it wont affect this issue.
And this is the first such report and i can say test show not a common problem. SO - a question. If you go to the Smileys admin panel under Components - are all the items of data for your custom smileys filled in? And no duplicate codes or names?
If all looks well would it be possible for to have a look on your site so I can see them for myself and look under the hood at the code? It means I would need to ask you to create an account who can make posts. If this is OK then can you please PM credentials to both myself and to 'Mr Papa'. Please include in the PM a link to your site, a link to this thread and brief reminder of the problem. And one of us will take a look for you.
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If you go to the Smileys admin panel under Components – are all the items of data for your custom smileys filled in?
And no duplicate codes or names?
I am sending the login details in a PM
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums

Might it be that the use of ArrowChat also started around the time of the forum update? ArrowChat - which is a new one on me by the way - is breaking all the WordPress API rules and loading itls own jQuery and jQuery UI libraries. Could you possibly just deactivate it for a short while and then try (a) the use of the tinyMCE editor and (b) the smileys...
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I'll do that but we have been using arrowchat since last several years and earlier it was not giving any problems with simple press.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
To test I changed the theme to 2013, which did not have any custom code and did not load arrowchat also. The html editor in reply window and the smilies still do not work!
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
I see one more error in the error log
file: /simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-filters.php
line: 1744
function: htmlspecialchars
Warning | htmlspecialchars() [function.htmlspecialchars]: Invalid multibyte sequence in argument
if it is of any help.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
I did a reinstall and that also did not help.
Then I realized that I had recently added some more plugins to my simple press install. Disabled all of them and the html editor and smilies worked.
Switching them on one by one led to the culprit - it is the Mentions plugin of simple press that is breaking the things. Disabled it and all works well. Please look into the Mentions plugin and why it is breaking the other things.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
we dont have a general problem with mentions and smileys... works fine for me in couple quick tests...
so think we need some more info as to what might be going on locally...
latest version of SP and tinymce plugin?
with the console of your browser open, any errors popup when you click on the smiley?
a likely cause here is that you are serving cached pages
<!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more:
Minified using disk
Page Caching using disk: enhanced
Database Caching 4/61 queries in 0.020 seconds using disk
Object Caching 1381/1389 objects using disk
Content Delivery Network via
Served from: @ 2013-09-10 13:18:30 by W3 Total Cache -->
including minified js which tends to fail with sp js because it was already minified to begin with... the forum content is dynamic as all forum content appears on a single wp page...
so you cannot cache it (we do internal caching)... you must tell your caching plugin to ignore the wp page the forum is on for all types of caching (each type has its own exclusion list)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Disabled all minification and cache except cdn.
cleared cache
enabled mentions
and the html 5 editor and smilies break again.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
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