Support Forum

Latest build of tiny and SP.
Firebug shows these errors
Error 1
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
Error 2
TypeError: this.getDoc(...) is undefined
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
I don't get these errors if I disable Mentions
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
I dont know what was happening but I reinstalled TonyMCE and now everything seems to be working alright.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
tried to use the credentials you sent but couldnt log in with them...
couple other ideas...
first, since things have changed with disabling caching, please go to forum - toolbox - housekeeping and clear the combined js scripts... might help but doubt it - worth a try...
other one is does your wp theme add anything to tinymce? buttons or other? if so, it might be doing it incorrectly... many wp themes (and plugins) assume the wp editor is only used on the admin side... but the wp api fully supports it being used on the front end too - as simple press does... so that may be causing issues too, but need to see the actual tinymce init to see...
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