Support Forum
Ok i finaly found the danish files - here
you need to register to download them
Now i have a new question - the translation works fine on the forum, but when users click on the "profile" button, user option panel is still in english...?
Go to the forum admin > Profiles where you can set up the labels as you want them in your own language. These are not subject to the translation file because the data is kept in the database hence a different system. And you can personalise them also of course.
Okay, Thank you very much - tabs and buttons are now in danish
But I´m not done yet, still need to get all text in usermenu translated. By that I mean the words or sentences by all of the forms. Such as nickmane, member since, change password etc.
Any one knows how to get this done?
can you explain what you mean by usermenu?? the text strings might be coming from sp plugins...
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There are also new tools coming in 5.5.1 due out very soon to help automate this process.