Support Forum
Here is the error:
21 giugno 2014 14:24 | spaErrError | 32767 | database
file: /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/cuffie5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-startup/forum/sp-forum-support-functions.php
line: 130
function: sp_track_online
error: Table './cuffie5_cuffie2/wp_sftrack' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INSERT INTO wp_sftrack (trackuserid, trackname, forum_id, topic_id, trackdate, pageview, device, display) VALUES (444, 'shanaish8', 3, 297, '2014-05-22 21:38:11', 'topic', 'D', 'spType-User spRank-membro spUsergroup-membri spUsergroup-audiofilo-100')
Anything I should do about it?
Thanks for your time
Yes indeed. You should do exactly what the error message tells you to do.
If you have access to phpMyAdmin via your hosting control panel you will need to open the database - mark the table using the checkbox down the side and the from the options at the bottom choose 'repair'. You shouyld check thje rest of the database as well and optimise it.
This has nothing to do with any updates. This is probably caused by an unoptimised database getting badly fragmented. Or possibly a system crash at some critical moment causing the table to become corrupted.
Ok, so when I see lines where its said SELECT... FROM, JOIN, ORDER BY, am I supposed to go and follow those instructions all the way on my database?
I attached a screen print of some error so you can tell me what should I do. I'm not a programmer and I dont know PHP or database lanuage, but I will follow every step you will indicate me to ficks those problems if you believe they need urgent ficks.
Thanks again
Sorry - instructions are in the error message. Here:
Table './cuffie5_cuffie2/wp_sftrack' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
and on my post above I was trying to describe how you do it. It is not php and it is not SQL. A table has crashed/corrupted and needs to be repaired. This is neither a WordPress or a Simple:Press issue as such as it can happen any time. I would suggest uyou read up on database optimisation as, while the WP guys never tell you, it really should be done regularly. There are some database manager plugins available that will do it all for you. I think 'WP Database Manager' for example.
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