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to get the discount, you have to enter the discount code into the discount field... the renewal page lists the discount codes based on previous membership... you enter it into the input box and it gets validated..
are you saying you entered the code and it still did not get applied? or that you did not enter the discount code?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes, I did not see any discount code. My previous Copper membership expired in February 2016.
I saw a message before the check out that read something like... any discounts will be automatically applied at check out.
When I saw the word "automatically", I thought it meant the site would detect that I am already a site member who had subscriptions previously. I was already logged in at the time.
No, the 30 days does not apply.. that was abandoned over a year ago when we moved to the new store...
but you have to manually enter the renewal discount... its not automatic... and ALL renewal discounts are listed on the checkout page for any membership purchase... will have to check the location of the discount message you refer to but that only applies to downloads purchases within the store... I dont believe it shows up in the membership section... but we will verify as it would be misleading...
believe @yellow-swordfish is still checking the records as we may be able to refund the couple of bucks...
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