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Hey Stan,
Sure, you can disable this, but a couple of questions. Firstly, are you looking to disable this for everybody? i.e just get rid of it all together? Or are you looking to just disable it for members, and leave it visible for admins / mods (as you said 'for members')?
If you just want to get rid of it all together, you can just add the following to a child theme stylesheet:
#spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection .spPostUserStatus { display: none; }
If however, you want to leave it visible for admins / mods but hide it for everyone else, each post includes a class designating the user group of the user who posted so this is easily doable, but we would need to know either what usergroup you want to hide it for, or what usergroup you want to have it display for. The best way of finding this is inspecting a post to get the class (i.e inspecting spTopicPostSection should be followed by spType-YourUsergroup).
As I mentioned, this would need to be added to a child theme stylesheet, to make sure the change is retained after updating. You can do this easily by downloading a child theme framework from the downloads page if you've not already done so.
As Ike mentions, multiple ways to skin this cat...
if you simply want to globally remove, I would simply remove the template tag from your sp theme spTopicView.php template file:
sp_PostIndexUserStatus('tagClass=spCenter spPostUserStatus', __sp('Online'), __sp('Offline'));
then none displayed....
alternately, each user can disable it form themselves in their forum profile...
or as Ike mentions, more options...
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