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I can't seem to make this work. I think I'm in the right place, but please let me know what is wrong with my syntax:
In spForumView.php (for example)
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spRight&width=16%&height=50px');
sp_TopicIndexLastPost('iconClass=spIcon spRight nicedate=0', __sp('Last Post'));
I tried this, and a few other things, and it still isn't changing the date display. Here is my current syntax for spForumView.php
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spRight&width=16%&height=50px');
sp_TopicIndexLastPost('iconClass=spIcon spRight&nicedate=0', __sp('Last Post'));
When I tried adding it to the spGroupView.php, it got rid of the date completely (which is ok for now, but it would be nice to have the date there). Here is the syntax I'm using:
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spRight&width=32%&height=55px');
sp_ForumIndexLastPost('tagClass=spInRowPostLink&nicedate=0', __sp('Last Post'));
I tried moving &nicedate=0 to the top line instead, but it didn't do anything either. Thanks for your help.
Sorry - my fault. I didn't give you enough information.
If you turn off the 'nicedate' but still want an alternative then you need to turn that on instead. These are the tag options for those columns along with the default settings (where 1=true/on and 0=false/off):
'tip' - 1,
'nicedate' - 1,
'date' - 0,
'time' - 0,
'user' - 1,
'stackuser' - 1,
'stackdate' - 0,
so - to turn nicedate off and an ordinary date on you need:
You can add the time option as well if you need it.
Sorry to mess you around.
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