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I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere on here yet... we have two forums set up inside one group. I'd like to change the formatting options so in one forum when someone replies to a topic it won't bump that topic to the top of the forum. I see how to do that in the 'General Display Options' under 'Options' but it's not forum specific. It looks like it will change that across all forums.
Is there a way to make this change in only one forum?
assume you mean on forum page view... and yes, you can choose to reverse sort specific forums... its done using the forum tools... so on forum view, hover over a topic and you will see a tools icon appear... click on it and a list of tools will appear in a popup... One of them says to Reverse sort this forum... just click on it and you will be set up...
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Well, I'm not sure that's what I mean... currently when someone replies to an existing topic that was on page 3, that topic is bumped up to the top of the first page as if it were just posted.
What I want is for the topics to stay in the order of when they were posted. I can make that change while viewing the forum? Or, is it a backend WP adjustment? And, can it be changed for just one forum?
Thanks for the help!
so lets revisit... you can globally sort forums in one of two ways... newest first, or oldest first... by default, we sort newest first... so new topics are bumped to the top in forum view... if you want to sort the other way, so the oldest topics are shown first in forum view, you want to use the forum tools and reverse the order...
those are the only two sort orders that we directly support with simple options... If you want some other non natural (mysql term) sort order, you will need to adjust the forum view query and subsequent record sorting methods (we provide filters for doing such) and build the forum view class object yourself... we can of course, help with this...
but very simplistically, we sort by post id in the topic based on the selected order (newest or oldest first)... it sounds like you want to change that sort order be solely by topic id and ignore and post activity in the topic...
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your call.... its actually pretty easy to do if you know anything about wp hooks... no option for it because, frankly, first time anyone has asked for that kind of sort order... usually they want to see what topics are being used...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, just let us know if you want to try it...
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