Support Forum
Mr Papa said
Andy explained how to do that back in post #2...
so after you do that, come on back and tell us what is going on... and can you access admin? just missing front end? maybe go to forum - integration - page and permalink and try the display settings there...
I went to "Forum" from the dashboard and upgraded to version 5.5.4 of Simple:Press. I clicked the Administration button. Here is what is displayed in the page:
There is one or more Simple:Press theme updates available
Click here to view any updates.
Announcing Release of Premium Simple Press Theme Reboot
Now available to download - the following new theme is now released and available for use on your Simple:Press forum. Thd theme does require Version 5.5.4 of Simple Press.
Reboot: This theme is a cross-device, mobile responsive based theme featuring a traditional forum layout with numerous color layout options.
You can see this new Reboot theme in action on our Support Forum.
Then below that there is a Change Log. See below.
What should be my next step?
Simple:Press Version 5.5.3
Build 12176
17th December 2014
4564 [ Simple:Press ] Sort out broken jQuery UI Dialog
4573 [ Simple:Press ] add some stats to a few admin panels
4574 [ Simple:Press ] Changing the name causes all user assignments to be lost
4576 [ Simple:Press ] Create simple function to update build number
4577 [ Simple:Press ] User Selected overlay causing issue loading theme
4583 [ Simple:Press ] keep profile photos from pushing outside container
4584 [ Simple:Press ] $spImages array not populated when an AJAX display function used
4585 [ Simple:Press ] Extend first/last post link to text label in list view
4586 [ Simple:Press ] optimize front end script loading based on device type
4587 [ Simple:Press ] change tooltips to use jquery ui tooltips
4588 [ Simple:Press ] update couple checks for valid auth to prevent notices
4589 [ Simple:Press ] correct spVars not available to Ajax/Ahah routines
4590 [ Simple:Press ] when posts are stripped out from topic - make sure post count in class accounts for it
4596 [ Simple:Press ] General and Miscellaneous Clean-Ups - 5.5.3
4607 [ Simple:Press ] try to auto detect and correct for incorrectly loaded bootstrap js
4615 [ Simple:Press ] Add popup help to each active plugin in the plugin listing
4618 [ Simple:Press ] fix permalink generation issue with admin in https but front end in http
4619 [ Simple:Press ] some more tips on usergroups and permissions
4623 [ Simple:Press ] Add labelLink argument to sp_SubForumIndexLastPost
4626 [ Simple:Press ] use wp-image class on popup images to inhibit
4627 [ Simple:Press ] correct image array set up routine to make sure theme icon path exists before using
4628 [ Simple:Press ] update ranks info admin help to reference proper admin panel
4629 [ Simple:Press ] add filter to sp_build_url() function
4632 [ Simple:Press ] Profile Watches and Subscriptions now use unuquue checkbox names and IDs
4635 [ Simple:Press ] fill class error message with text vice echoing the text
4637 [ Simple:Press ] Order Pinned Topics (Tools) and Edit Timestamp (Options) input fields not showing correctly
4639 [ Simple:Press ] search not limiting to current forum when selected
4616 [ Achievements ] correct plugin header data
4571 [ Announce ] add option to only display announcements to guests
4605 [ Ban Plugin ] Save of multiple IP addresses needs to be better escaped
4597 [ Blog Linking Plugin ] fix notice in blog linking
4633 [ Blog Linking Plugin ] blog linking should use post class when creating forum post from blog comment
4634 [ Blog Linking Plugin ] trigger E_WARNING instead of E_USER_WARNING so it looks proper in our error log
4523 [ Event Logger Plugin ] New plugin: logging plugin
4641 [ MyCred ] Correct template tag image filename
4638 [ Post Preview Plugin ] shortcode filtering ignored in post preview
4581 [ Post Thanks Plugin ] ensure user isnt trying to thank themselves
4602 [ Private Messaging Plugin ] No help when trying to set admin as adversary
4609 [ Private Messaging Plugin ] better inbox thread sorting
4630 [ Private Messaging Plugin ] correct arguments to pm auto delete ajax function
4610 [ Prune DB Plugin ] Missing Options link and odd Auth setup
4187 [ Subscriptions Plugin ] Re-code Subscriptions to use User Activities table
4621 [ Subscriptions Plugin ] on the manage topic subscriptions profile form correct missing closing div
4625 [ Subscriptions Plugin ] better markup for subs/watches popup button area
4595 [ Syntax Highlighting Plugin ] get syntax highlighter working again on blog posts if option enabled
4591 [ Warnings and Suspensions ] No help text in the Add Suspension section
4599 [ Warnings and Suspensions ] add clarifying notes to popup help on how expiration works
4582 [ Watches Plugin ] Remove redundant remnants of old sfmembers column
4600 [ Watches Plugin ] Rewrite Queries used for user stats
4601 [ Watches Plugin ] Remove old dead watch records
4624 [ Watches Plugin ] better markup for subs/watches popup button area
4572 [ Unified Theme ] subscribe to topic and watch topic fail on mobile
4575 [ Unified Theme ] New second search button not displaying correctly on mobile
4606 [ Unified Theme ] fix profile permission header text color so it shows
4631 [ Unified Theme ] Fix typo in arguments for function sp_PostIndexUserRank()
did you read my last two posts? did you do what I asked there? post #9 and 10...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
looking at your site, I see your forum displaying... I can see any forums as guest though... but seems to be there and not disappearing...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
Andy explained how to do that back in post after you do that, come on back and tell us what is going on... and can you access admin? just missing front end? maybe go to forum - integration - page and permalink and try the display settings there...
I am at the Integration - Page and Permalink. Here is what I see:
→ members-2/files
→ join/yearly
Forum page ID | Page title | Page template |
10981 | Forum | default |
Current permalink:
wait... did you update all simple press plugins and themes as requested... that is the first step...
and then what is wrong? your forum is showing, so it didnt disappear... not sure what the problem is...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
looking at your site, I see your forum displaying... I can see any forums as guest though... but seems to be there and not disappearing...
Try this URL:
if you mouse over any of the forum area, the page disappears, with our without loggin in, with 2 different browsers.
still havent answered the update of plugins/themes question...
yes, I see a forum there... it has not disappeared... but as guest, I dont have permission to see the topics/posts...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
wait... did you update all simple press plugins and themes as requested... that is the first step...and then what is wrong? your forum is showing, so it didnt disappear... not sure what the problem is...
One step at the time please. I have upgraded to version 5.5.3. Should I upgrade to 5.5.4, should I upgrade all other Simple:Press items.?
one step at at time is what I have been saying... but you skipped some... sorry, not being pointed, but just need to follow through...
what version of wp are you on? Assuming the latest 4.1, you should update to 5.5.4...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
one step at at time is what I have been saying... but you skipped some... sorry, not being pointed, but just need to follow through...
what version of wp are you on? Assuming the latest 4.1, you should update to 5.5.4...
I do indeed have version 4.1.
The version of SP updated to was 5.5.3.
After updated, administration page says I have to update themes. This is what I get in the WP Updates page:
Simple:Press Themes
The following themes have new versions available. Check the ones you want to update and then click Update Themes.
Please Note: Any customizations you have made to theme files will be lost.
css-onlyYou have version 1.2.6 installed. Update to 1.2.13. Requires SP Version 5.5.3. | |
DefaultYou have version 1.2.6 installed. Update to 1.2.13. Requires SP Version 5.5.3. | |
iForumYou have version 1.2.6 installed. Update to 1.2.13. Requires SP Version 5.5.3. | |
StackedYou have version 1.2.6 installed. Update to 1.2.13. Requires SP Version 5.5.3.
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