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Dissappearing forums
Juan Sarmiento
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Feb 8, 2015 - 6:47 pm

Mr Papa said
oh, what you mean by disappear is something on your site trying to reload a page...  and the page just doesnt reload...

when you load the page, the forum is there...  if you go over a link, something on your site tries to load something and goes to la la land...  it might be whatever is trying to load the jquery ui tooltips library...

are you running stock sp theme?

In may browser, once the page dissappears, there is no way to locate a link. 

under Simple:Press themes I ses Current Theme: ¡Forum 1.2.13 by Andy Staines....

Juan Sarmiento
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Feb 8, 2015 - 6:51 pm

Mr Papa said
several forums?  perhaps terminology...  you can only have one simple press forum...  but in there you can have groups and many forums..  but all must appear on same wp page...

so lets try one more thing...  forum - toolbox - housekeeping...   on there clear the auths cache and the general cache...  not likely to make any diff... but just rule it out...

then we have to figure out what is causing that bogus redirect...

Toolbox-Housekeeping has a "Reset Auths Cache" and a "Flush General Cache". I have pressed both bottons.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Feb 8, 2015 - 6:57 pm

quick test...  forum - themes - theme editor... edit the spFunctions.php file...

look for the line with SP_TOOLTIPS and try setting the value to false...

Juan Sarmiento
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 8, 2015 - 7:05 pm

Mr Papa said
quick test...  forum - themes - theme editor... edit the spFunctions.php file...

look for the line with SP_TOOLTIPS and try setting the value to false...

Done. The forums are not dissappearing now... I hope.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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Feb 8, 2015 - 7:07 pm

okay cool....  that means the jquery tooltips are conflicting with something else on your site..  so two options... leave them off... or find the conflict...

if you leave them off, we need to properly make the change you just did...  you made it in one of our themes, so you will lose it next time you update...

best thing to do is make a child theme... see:

once you have a child theme... make an spFunctions.php file in the child theme templates folder...  and copy the SP_TOOLTIPS line you just edited over to it...

and finally, on forum - themes - theme list, select your child theme...

Juan Sarmiento
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Feb 8, 2015 - 7:15 pm

Mr Papa said
okay cool....  that means the jquery tooltips are conflicting with something else on your site..  so two options... leave them off... or find the conflict...

if you leave them off, we need to properly make the change you just did...  you made it in one of our themes, so you will lose it next time you update...

best thing to do is make a child theme... see:

once you have a child theme... make an spFunctions.php file in the child theme templates folder...  and copy the SP_TOOLTIPS line you just edited over to it...

and finally, on forum - themes - theme list, select your child theme...

OK. I will attempt this and get back to you. First I will backup my site, in case I have to go back.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 8, 2015 - 7:22 pm

okay, let us know how it goes...  child themes are pretty quick and easy, especially since you only need the spFunctions.php...  well, you will need the main css file too, but it can be empty..

Juan Sarmiento
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 8, 2015 - 7:37 pm

Mr Papa said
okay, let us know how it goes...  child themes are pretty quick and easy, especially since you only need the spFunctions.php...  well, you will need the main css file too, but it can be empty..…..ld-themes/

This is not really a set of instructions on how to create the child theme, let alone editing it. I just don't dare to change it. Would it be too much trouble to either 


1. Ask you to give me detailed step-wise instructions.

2. Create the child theme and modifications for me if I give you admin credencials?



Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 8, 2015 - 8:46 pm

I guess we would really like to know what was not clear there?  We have had many, many users create child themes from that tutorial...  but always looking to improve...  and remember, every child theme will be different based on what you want it to do...

Attached to this post is a child for the css only theme that you can use... extract and upload to your sp themes folder, or use the sp plugin installer...  then activate the css only child theme...

Juan Sarmiento
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 9, 2015 - 7:37 pm

Mr Papa said
I guess we would really like to know what was not clear there?  We have had many, many users create child themes from that tutorial...  but always looking to improve...  and remember, every child theme will be different based on what you want it to do...

Attached to this post is a child for the css only theme that you can use... extract and upload to your sp themes folder, or use the sp plugin installer...  then activate the css only child theme...

This assumes that I know much about the programing in WP generally and SP specifically. Although I am a PhD (in completely different field), and have done minor programing in a distant past and have been working with computers since 1987, I have no idea what the document is trying to say. I do not see specific instructions that I could follow easily, like menu selections or copy, past, save, etc.

"Attached to this post is a child for the css only theme that you can use… extract and upload to your sp themes folder, or use the sp plugin installer…  then activate the css only child theme…"

Where is this thems folder located. is this "css only theme" what I have in my website currently?. 

I have uploaded it, I can see it in my list of themes and I have activated it. It is all I need to do? Thanks, Mr. Papa.


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