Support Forum
Hi SP-team,
just ran into a slight problem after failed update of a plugin (ftp problem) and done it manually. Now I have two displays of the PM plugin while only one is active and fully working.
There is only one plugin folder /private-messaging in /sp-resources!
How can I get rid of the double admin display? There is no 'delete' option.
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
(Popular Mechanics, US-Technik-Magazin, 1949)
my fault - wrong WP installation!
Yes, there is a second folder named /private-messaging1 in /sp-resources.
How can I find out which one is the right (activated) ?
Ah -found it! Just hover the 'activate' link - it shows it's name!
Thanks for quick help!!
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
(Popular Mechanics, US-Technik-Magazin, 1949)