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duplicate comments since updating to SP 5.5.5
Grant Barrett
San Diego, CA
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Mar 23, 2015 - 6:22 pm

When I add new comments to a WordPress post on the WordPress side, two identical comments now appear under the post in WordPress. I believe this is due to SP 5.5.5, as updating to that is the last change I made and the double-comments did not happen before. I have my WordPress posts linked to the forum to make comments display in both places.

Also, as you can see on this page, if a comment is held for moderation and then approved (as with the first comment by Jazyk), there are also two identical comments -- but one of them is dated according to when it first went in the moderation queue, and the other is dated according to when it was approved.

Adding new comments on the forum side does not make duplicate comments on the WordPress side.

Disabling Simple:Press doesn't allow me to test as there are no comments at all displayed if I do that.

A Way with Words, North America's number one broadcast program about language!

Grant Barrett
San Diego, CA
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Mar 23, 2015 - 6:47 pm

As a bit of confirming data that it is an SP problem:

--I deactivated some other plugins that had been updated and the double-comment problem persisted.

--When I delete a comment that is appearing twice in WordPress, a copy of the comment persists in SP.

A Way with Words, North America's number one broadcast program about language!

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Mar 23, 2015 - 7:07 pm

The simple problem with your assertion is that the blog linking plugin has not received an update since July 20th 2014 and ALL of the code pertaining to blog linking behaviour is contained within that plugin.

So - what else has been subject to an update at around the same time?

Grant Barrett
San Diego, CA
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Mar 23, 2015 - 7:11 pm

Only three plugins were updated before the problem appeared. As I said above, I disabled the other two, one at a time, and checked to see if double comments were being posted. They were. So the only thing that has changed other than those two since the problem appeared is Simple:Press.

However, just disabling SP to test it is not so simple. Is there a way to disable Simple:Press without also disabling comments? When I disable SP, it also makes the comments disappear.

A Way with Words, North America's number one broadcast program about language!

Sawtry, UK
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Mar 23, 2015 - 7:42 pm

Definitely strange but I can't see any relation between SP and WP comments. I'm noticing a couple of jquery errors on your page though - just out of interest have you tried one of the default WP themes?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Mar 23, 2015 - 9:17 pm

do you have double comments in your db?  you can look in the wp comments table and sfposts table...

your test would only tell you something if the comments were appearing on display only.. if they were actually doubled on saving, you would still see two...

perhaps you can try disabling the other plugins that were updated and then make a new comment and see if doubled up...

no wp update at same time right?  and you did not update our sp blog linking plugin, right?

Grant Barrett
San Diego, CA
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Mar 24, 2015 - 3:05 pm

As I said above, I have disabled other recently updated plugins. Double comments still appear.

I did not update WP at the same time. I did not update the SP Blog Linking Plugin at the same time, either.

The comments are not duplicated in the database.

A Way with Words, North America's number one broadcast program about language!

Grant Barrett
San Diego, CA
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Mar 24, 2015 - 3:36 pm

I have confirmed that it is absolutely SP 5.5.5 that's causing the problem.

I duped to a staging server that is identical in every way to my production server, except, by necessity, for the hostname. (This is done through my hosting provider, WP Engine.)

I disabled by WP extensions one at a time, in reverse order of recently updated, and, after disabling each one, forced-refresh the page, and posted a new test comment. Doubling of comments appeared each time. In the end, the only plugin left was SP and double comments were still appearing.

Then I changed the theme to the generic WordPress 2015 theme. Double comments still appeared.

Then I started disabling SP's own plugins one at a time until the only one left is Blog Post Linking. Double comments still appeared.

Then I disabled the Blog Post Linking plugin. All the double comments disappeared from the post! When I reenable Blog Post Linking, all the double comments reappear under the post.

Attached is a screen grab of my Blog Post Linking settings. Does anything look like changing it might have an effect?

SPImage Enlarger

A Way with Words, North America's number one broadcast program about language!

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Mar 24, 2015 - 9:51 pm

what about if you changed the option to display in comment block vice in standard comment block?

Looking through the wp code, it appears that in 4.1 they changed how the comment query works... and this might have a knock off...

however, that version of WP was released in December... so if indeed the case, would have been an unreported issue since the WP 4.1 release...

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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Mar 24, 2015 - 10:28 pm

So have opened a ticket to see what broke in blog linking in the wp 4.1 release...

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