<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js (http://www.socratestheme.com/f.....ery.min.js)"></script>
You can remove this from your header and see if it solves.
Apparently there is an edit function that I do not have. I would like to delete sample posts.
Also, when a guest tries to register, he is taken to the "registration policy" page.
I've been doing so much experimenting prior to setting up my actual forum, that perhaps I've messed up the program. Would any of the "tools" help here? I think I'm probably better off uninstalling the program and database tables, and starting over again If that doesn't work, then it's two strikes and your're out. It shouldn't be this difficult.
morrow said
Apparently there is an edit function that I do not have. I would like to delete sample posts.
So what are saying? When you hover the mouse cursor over the topic listing or post listing do not get the toolset icon appear on the left hand side? if you don't then your site probably has a scripting issue. And if this is the case then they can usualy be sorted out.
Also, when a guest tries to register, he is taken to the "registration policy" page.
And what? You don't want that? You must have turned that option on in the policy documents admin panel.
I've been doing so much experimenting prior to setting up my actual forum, that perhaps I've messed up the program. Would any of the "tools" help here? I think I'm probably better off uninstalling the program and database tables, and starting over again If that doesn't work, then it's two strikes and your're out. It shouldn't be this difficult.
So if that is two strikes then I guess it was nice talking to you.
I did a complete reinstall and now find that my WP theme is restricting the toolbox function when hovering over a topic. My theme is Socrates, which has a hefty following. When I switch back to Twenty Ten, the tool box appears and functions properly.
Please advise as to what adjustments to make. If this is an issue with the Socrates theme, then it is likely a problem with others. Still only one strike... There's still hope.
hope for whom?
Sounds like your theme probably has a classic case of loading jQuery incorrectly without using the WP APi to ensure that other plugins that use those libraries work correctly.
If I had a link to your forum page i could probably determine that pretty quickly.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js (http://www.socratestheme.com/f.....ery.min.js)"></script>
You can remove this from your header and see if it solves.
yes. that is an ancient version of jquery... and jquery ui is likely too...
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