Support Forum
I would look through their options... I know WooCommerce is working with simple press in other instances...
no polls or ratings? have you actually enabled polls and ratings in the forums where you want them? each forum can have them or not... edit each forum and verify...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
it might have something to do with SSL too... I did notice that when we went to the forum page it switched to https even though WP wasnt running ssl... so perhaps there ssl was extending beyond their plugin? dont know... but we get the ssl requirements from wp...
please let us know what you hear...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I had a reply from WooThemes:
You could leave "Force secure checkout" disabled and just use a plugin such as WordPress HTTPS to ensure your checkout and account pages are secure.
I already did that and it is a solution, but I mentioned that this was a very easy answer and that I would like to know if this is a common problem and if so, if they intend to do something about it. I'll keep you posted.