Support Forum

Hello SP,
I have an issue where, if I have the Editor TinyMCE Rich Text plugin activated, and a user with the appropriate permissions attempts to edit their own post (I created a test user also, to play with) the "edit post" dialogue box appears and allows editing of text etc, and when "save edited post" button is activated the "Post updated and check" appears .. however the post is not edited and remains in its original form.
As soon as Editor TinyMCE Rich Text plugin is deactivated, all works fine.
I would be much obliged if you could let me know where you think the issue may lie.
Many Thanks

Thank you Yellow fish .... details below
Simple:Press | Version 5.2.2
Rich Text Editor using WP TinyMCE
Version 2.0.3 | By Andy Staines & Steve Klasen
SP Theme is default
Current WP Theme is :
By jinsona
A free premium wordpress theme from

Ok Sir, there were some cubepoint errors showing up so i deactivated all cubepoint plugins, cleared the logs, and activated TinyMCE ... same problem, and no errors in the log, but then its not erroring out when editing a post... "updated post saved" and green check as if all is as should be, just no change to edited post.
If you f5 for a refresh, the "updated post saved" returns and the text is still the original ?? .. scratches head ..
I have tried clearing browser cache, but its not just my device, its all users.
Do you have PM / Contact details i can pass on login creds to for the site if you would like to hop on ?

Not that I am aware of, Plugin list:
Awesome Flickr Gallery
Custom Login Widget with Cubepoints Integration
Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
Gravatar Shortcode
NextGEN Gallery
NextGEN Gallery Comments
NextGEN Public Uploader
NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
No Right Click Images Plugin
Recent comments widget with excerpts
Simple Smilies
Simply Youtube
World Clock
WP Wall
Yop Poll

No - it doesn't look like it,
Well we can take a look but we may need to investigate what is happening at the code level and what other factor is effecting yours and not everyone elses!
Please PM credentials to both myself and to 'Mr Papa'. Please include in the PM a link to your site, a link to this thread and brief reminder of the problem. And one of us will take a look for you.
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Might have to do this in stages. The first - and most important thing - is that your WP theme is loading this: 'jquery-ui-personalized-1.5.2.packed.js' which is - to be honest - and absolute horrendous thing to do and ignores any other plugins that may need to use this library - and that can be a lot of them.
It is bad enough that they are loading the jquery UI library improperly but by the looks of the name it suggests that may have even custom coded stuff in there. Tis codex artucle explains why this is not good:
As this could be responsible - and the only way to tell that is to use a different theme - then I think we need to sort this one out before we can progress further.
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Ok, this morning I activated the TwentyTwelve theme and was able to succesfully edit a topic,logged in as a user.
I have also noticed that logged in as Admin on the Astronova theme I AM able to edit topics as the Tiny MCE plugin does not load ? Am I able then to assign users to load or not load the Tiny MCE plugin as a work around ?
It looks like I am paying the price of not paying the price and running a free theme then, I really do not relish the thought of having to do a theme rebuild at this stage ?
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