Support Forum
well, I have made a total hash out of this! I tried the global settings process to block wp-admin and redirect However things went south from there. I now have a loop that keeps asking for my wp-login credentials . . . Neither an admin or a user can get to the forum . . . except by putting in the URL of a sub page (a sub-forum or post).
Here is the scenario:
I click on the main navigation link for the forum (link: and it brings up the wpr login. You enter your name and password and you get the wp-dashboard. If I click on the "go to forum" link, I am back at the wordpress login!
If I activate the block user access to the WP admin page and select redirect to user's profile page, I (as admin) am stuck in the login loop, but users get to their profile page. Unfortunately, they can't get to the top level forum page or they need to login again and are back in the loop.
I realize this is a long shot . . . but do you have any idea how to get out of this loop?
I will have to deal with the ability to directly access (and bypass login) a sub page later . . . first is to get access back for all my members! (and me!)
Mr Papa said
well, that is how wp works.. they send users to the admin...![]()
but couple things you can do as we have provided some functionality to change that...
in the forum admin, at forum - components - login and registration, do you have a log in link redirecting to the forum? it may not work depending on redirects from the page, but just want to check...
secondly, on forum - options - global settings, you can turn on the block admin feature to keep your users from getting to the wp admin... once on, you can also set a redirect to the forum main page...
I think I may have conflicting settings here. Do these work together (the components /login/registration settings and the options/global settings) or is it that I need to choose one or the other? I have tried removing the login/regi redirects . . . but I am still stuck and cannot access the forum anymore.
the settings do not work together... well, lol, let me clarify... they dont interfere with each other per se...
the components one will redirect at time of login (or logout) if the redirect argument is on the login url... the options one only redirects if you load the wp admin panel... so if the components login redirect is encountered, its before you reach the wp admin pages so the latter is never invoked...
not sure how you would get a circular issue... are you sure everything is consistent in terms of use of www or not? and are typically two different login domains... so you may be logged in on one but not the other...
also, no caching plugins right?
do you have a link? and a screenshot of the components and options panels might be useful...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I won't change anything else in order to give you a chance to see it as it is. also, I did have superCashe activated, but from your previous message I have deactivated it.
The site is:
the forum is
a login for a test user is:
username: tester
PW = He1l0w1P
I would appreciate any help you can provide. I need to get this resolved quickly. Usually I love solving this technical issues, but right now I am slammed with deadlines and don't have the time to puzzle this one out. Next stop is to ask for a recommendation for a SimplePress programmer who can deal with this.
Why are you using an ip address in the block vs the DNS name on components panel? if you are logged into the ip, you wont be logged in to the dns named site.. they are different cookie domains...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I changed the Components redirect on login to :
but still in the login loop . . .
can you reiterate the problem?
When I use the test user you provided and login, all is well... I am also redirected to the forum page as I would expect from your settings...
I dont see a login loop...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Well, you are magical! It must have been a browser cache issue, even though I was using 2 distinct logins on two browsers times 2 separate machines . . . but no matter . . . I am back to where I started. Now I can think about using the sidebar plugin you mentioned . . . but not until after I know everyone can access the forum.
Thank you so much for your help.
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