Support Forum
Hello guys,
Was looking through the error log in my forum and the last couple of days i got loads of following error message:
file: /simple-press/forum/content/classes/sp-member-view-class.php
line: 247
function: Unavailable
Warning | array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array
Is there anything i can do to fix it?
Scrolled to the very bottom of the error log and found this error message to appear before all the others:
file: /simple-press/forum/database/sp-db-management.php
line: 262
function: sp_move_topic
Notice | Trying to get property of non-object
All error messages is generated last two days.
Yellow Swordfish said do you expose your members list to non-logged in users? I.e., guests as we call them in SP...
Thanks alot Andy.
The error occured every time a guest clicked on the member list button. No idea why i did expose the list to guests in the first place. Well the option is disabled now.
not an error, but a notice...
fixed in next version...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
not an error, but a notice...fixed in next version...
Great thank you.
However i got a new error message in my log. It appears several times per day:
file: /simple-press/sp-startup/admin/spa-admin-updater.php
line: 274
function: sp_update_wp_counts
Notice | Trying to get property of non-object
What can i do about it?
Okay, will have to do more research tonight when home from work. Was afraid you might have been on earlier wp version that did not support the hook we used. But not the case.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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