Support Forum
Hi, i am having two errors in error log, toolbox.
They are:
1. file: /simple-press/admin/panel-forums/support/spa-forums-prepare.php
line: 243
function: Unavailable
Warning | opendir(/problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/domains/ [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory
2. file: /simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-auths.php
line: 32
function: sp_get_auth
Notice | Trying to get property of non-object
Could you help with that - what is the problem?
I suppose that the first one can be connected with the problem of avatar loading in profile page of the user.
The second one i am having for a long time, have no idea what it is.
those are not errors... 1 is a notice and the other is a warning...
take a look at forum - integration - storage locations... what do you have defined for custom icons?? guessing you have the directory as the warning says which more than likely does not exist since its a 4.x location and not 5.x.. so change it to the directory you want for custom icons... if you are not using them, then its unimportant except to get rid of the warning... I would suggest - sp-resources/forum-icons... you may need to create the directory...
as to the second one, the notice, its harmless as 99% of the notices are, but already removed in the next SP version...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
have you enabled uploading of avatars? and given users permission to upload avatars?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
the first image is wp and not a player here... second one shows you have avatar uploading enabled... but have you actually given users permission to upload avatars? that would be in one of the permissions sets on forum - permissions - manage permissions... for which ever set you are using for your users...
also a little confused by your image in post #3.... that is the wp profile page... users would upload avatars on the sp profile page in the forum front end...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have a set of 6 ID permissions, the standart one looks like this:
I don't know where to give different id permissions to the different users. if the problem is in the uploading avatar - requires enabling, how to enable it then.
About wp profile page. The site is not only forum, its also blogs, news etc. That's the page where people get when they are subscribed and received the message (subscribing here - It makes some contradiction?
For a simple guide on the use of permissions then I would suggest you visit our codex and look at the 'Getting Started' section which explains how you tie user groups, permissions and forums together to control access and who can do what.
Surely you must have been using V4 before this (the 'error' you reported in the first post would have only come from a V4 user) and this has not changed in V5.
The way WP works is to send users to their WP profile page when they register. You have many choices to stop this from happening. Firstly you can put a redirect on the registration form (see forum admin > components > login and registration). Secondly you can control who has access to the WP 'back-end admin' panels (like Profile and dashboard) in the forum admin > options > global settings. And lastly, you can determine what profile form you want your users to be presented with on the forum admin > profiles > profile options.
To enable uploading of avatars you will need to be using the SP profile form - not the WP profile form.