Support Forum
A small addition, maybe it helps. Again low priority, no hurry.
Today came Member 461 in the group. If it would be a simple plus/minus it should become 461-5-2=454 now.
In fact it became 452, one less. Funny isnt it?
To repeat: I did a +1 to the group counted. The Sum became -1. Dubious in fact.
It is not reducing by one for each new member.
What it is actually doing is inadvertently taking off from the full member count, the count of admins and moderators twice. At the same time it is also reducing the members count by any member that has never actually visited the forum. And that just means has never opened the page the forum is displayed on.
Obviously the former here is a bug that needs rectifying. The latter could be called either way but on balance O am of a mind to remove that particular oddity.
So this will get a fix for 5.7.4.
hopefully, we will get 5.7.4 out before end of March...
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