Support Forum
I just installed Simple:Press, and the only page that works is the /forum/ page. If I hover over the topic I created, I can see the link in the browser's status bar /forum/slug/, but clicking anything just makes the browser go white for a couple seconds, then returns me to /forum/
Is there fancy url writing issues going on here? Have I set things up incorrectly? The permalink is pointing to which sounds right. The storage locations appear to be all good. Can someone please give me a hand here --the forum is supposed to be functional by Thursday so that a potential advertiser can take a look.
The website is the
Mark Randa
Let;'s start with the two most common candidates and take it from there.
Are you using the 'Permalink Redirect' plugin (or any other variant of redirection)? If so then exclude the forum URL from its clutches.
Or - are you perhaps using the Yoast SEO package? If so then you need to allow what they call 'ugly urls'.
Any luck so far?
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