Support Forum
I have a few questions about SP5 please. I recently upgraded to SP5 but I am having issue getting some features to work.
1. Admin Edit toolbar (spanner) is not available - I am not able to delete or move a post. From searching here I think I have to edit the footer and add code to activate this but does this make sense? I am using the default template, if I edit it and later update I will loose the correction. Shouldn't this be part of the default template? I see xanderr is having tha same problem.
2. I want to be able to post images directly in the post. The editor has the insert image button but it does not allow browsing to find a file. Is this possible or does the image have to be hosted somewhere else?
3. I have installed plupload but it doesn't seem to do anything. I see an 'upload attachments' below as I am typing this but that does not appear on my forum.
thank you,
1. admin edit toolbar? do you mean the sp admin bar? if so, do you have the sp plugin for admin bar active?
2. to insert images in posts, simply attach them... do you have the sp plugin for file uploader active?
3. sort of answers #2... have you enabled uploads? forum - components - uploads... and for users, given them permission? the plupload js is not loaded so either not active or no enabled...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
1. I am not able to delete a post (I am admin). I think there is a spanner or wrench icon that is supposed to be there? I have admin bar plugin active but that only gives me a shortcut button to the admin section of the forum (dashboard). I think there should be an menu for me to lock, pin, delete or move posts?
I checked permissions (based on your #3) and found the moderator permissions were turned off for some items - I turned them all on but I still don't have the ability to moderate a post.
I also added a new permissions set called 'administrator' with full access (doesn't a site administrator have full moderation rights by default?) but I still don't have moderation.
2 / 3. I found the permissions setting for allowing uploads - they were turned off. I now have 'upload attachments'
to moderate posts you need the admin bar plugin or use the forum tools... you have joined another topic with regards to the forum tools so will just leave the discussion in that topic rather than duplicate...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes, I had posted a reply there but now the post is gone. I posted there figuring it would save you answering both of us separately. Looks like there are a few with this issue.
I have admin bar and permissions set. (I added pics as attachments but they don't appear to want to upload).
Edit, nope images refused to upload.
here? we get images uploaded here every day... what is the message if they dont upload????
and can you answer the same questions I asked (yes, two of you now)... custom sp theme or stock, unchanged one of ours?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Is this only with IE??? or have you tried other browsers...
wont have a chance tonight... but will forward the pm to andy so he can try if he has time tomorrow..
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