Support Forum
I have 2 small error after the upgrade from 4.5.
One is the forum missing in frontend. This forum is under a group, other forums are visible. Only this forum cannot be seen. I have checked and see that its config is similar to other forums located in the same group.
The other error is the forum header and description is missing even though the Forum name and slug is filled. Also, other forums in the same group are fine. Same config when I click "Edit Forum". Same permissions for all as well.
They are all standard forum.
I have tried everything to solve it but with no luck.
Sorry - is the difference between 'forum missing' and 'forum header and description is missing' meaning front end and admin or what? Isn't this the same thing? And not sure what you mean by 'forum header'? What is that referring to please?
I guess what I need to know first is if this 'missing' forum is showing up correctly in the Admin and the above has me confused.
They are all missing in the frontend. I can edit and see these forums in the backend.
1. forum is missing. The forum is missing in frontend.
2. Forum name is missing. I can only see the right columns. Please see attachment.
Both forums are in "Specific Forums" Group. Refer to attachment.
Sorry - still a bit confused. Maybe because it is first thing in the morning!
Your first sentence is 'They are all missing in the frontend'. All? I can see some of them in the image so what do you mean by 'all' please?
Then the image shows one forum with no name or description? I understand this to be an issue but then above you also say the 'forum is missing'. is this referring to the same thing as the missing heading?
Can I have a link to the forum so I can see what is getting returned?
And - do you have access to and do you know how to look at and maybe change database tables?
and I have responded.
By the way - this is not the reason for this issue but your site does have a problem. the plugin 'white-label-branding' is loading a non-WP compatible version of jQuery - probably also an old version - and it is not using the WP API to do so as the proper library has already been loaded. This WILL and is causing problems for other scripts.
Odd - so far not really seeing anything wrong - except for the Group sequencing but that would not effect this.
Can you try this please: Go to the forum admin > Toolbox > Housekeeping. In the first box - 'Rebuild Indexes' - select 'Sports' and rebuild. Then select 'Business and Investment' and rebuild.
After that - does it make any difference on the frontr end display?
OK that information helped.
I think - and only think at the moment - that this might be down firstly to the Group sequencing. At least -when I run the same query against your data with the sequencing corrected I DO get all of the data I expect. So I think we need to correct this as a first stage and then see what happens next.
I would recommend - if you are comfortable doing this - making these changes directly into the database table. If not you can edit each Group - in the forum admin and change the display position there.
If you look at the sfgroups table - find the column called 'group_seq' - you will see they are all set at 5. They should be sequenced 1 to 5 in the order in which you want them to be displayed. using phpMyAdmin you can edit them in-line and get them how you want them and then see what happens!