Support Forum
Hi team,
PS-my forum is behind a paywall. You can use these temporary logins if needed:
username: Ryan_Collins
password: capecod2017
The Simple:Press theme you are using is not a mobile-ready theme. The 'Default' theme is our oldest one and pre-dates our newer, responsive and mobile themes. You can use a different theme on mobile to the desktop. Our three mobile-ready themes are Unified, Reboot (which we use here) and BareBones which is free and is bundled with the main SP plugin these days.
Thanks for the information.
Here is an image showing my Child Framework and available themes.
Will my child framework customizations remain intact if I switch to the Unified theme?
How can I use a different theme on desktop vs. mobile?
Thank you,
Ryan Collins_1 said
Will my child framework customizations remain intact if I switch to the Unified theme?
Afraid not. You would need to re-apply them to the Unified theme - a child framework is also freely available for Unified of course.
How can I use a different theme on desktop vs. mobile?
Forum Admin > Themes > Mobile Phone Theme. There is a checkbox that allows you to specify that you want to use a different theme for mobile phone. Check this and save the changes and then you will be offered the available theme list to choose from.
If you prefer to use the same theme for both desktop/mobile (and tablets) then you do not need to specify anything - it will always default to the desktop theme.
Note that the Unified theme has different sections within each template for desktop pr mobile use.
I don't think so, When i looked at your site on mobile yesterday it was showing the 'Default' theme - all bunched up.
Can you try something for me?
1 - Go to the forum admin toolbox - housekeeping and click on reset the combined CSS cache
2 - Go into that mobile theme admin panel - select a different overlay and then click on the update button...
good to hear... thanks for the update...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi team,
password: capecod2017
Yes - an empty page. Looks to me like it has a php code error. Have you made any edits top the template?
First thing - go to the forum admin > toolbox > error log. There may be a few entries but is there one with a pink background that actually says it is an error and to do with the spTopicView.php file? If so can you paste the error detail here.
If not - then it would be nice to know what your tech team reckon the problem is.
And - finally - you can download a fresh copy of the theme any time you like by visiting your account page on our website. But are you not using a child theme? Or am I mistaken?