Support Forum
I spend an hour uploading and setting some icons for groups and folders. Of course I did this in 2 steps, I uploaded icons in both a 32px and 50px size. Then I went into the manage forums and edited the groups and forums to have a selected custom icon. I went around the forum and read a couple topics everything was great.
then I went to themes. I only had the default them 1.2 overlay wintery blue installed at the time and I selected a different overlay. Thats when the forum went nuts. as you can see at
at that point I tried to change the overlay color back. no dice. forum still nuts.
so I then downloaded and install the update to the default theme and the other 3 themes. i tried to activate the new default 1.2.1 as well as the any of the other themes and forum still nuts.
PLEASE HELP ! thanks Georgina
can you try a quick switch to the css only sp theme and see what that does?
appears that your host may be blocking the reading of php mime type as css...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
thank you for the reply
I changed the forum to the css theme and the forum came back up. So what does this mean? Do you know yet without more testing?
I guess my questions now are :
* what are my options because I do want the ability to use some of the other cool simplepress themes like stacked and iforum.
* Why did the default and iforum stop working just because I uploaded icons in groups and forum settings?
* does that mean I have to remove the icons to get the themes to work again?
* is there an easy solution to allow me to use both icons and stacked or iforum or default?
* if I use css theme does that mean I have to hire a programmer to make custom changes cause features of simplepress won't work now?
I use woothemes as my base wordpress theme, simplepress should work with it. There are not other custom changes only simplepress plugins and a few css formats.
thanks again
this appears to be a host based issue... though I am a bit puzzled as to how it ever worked as you say...
the problem appears to be that your host is not allowing the use of php parsed css files such as the default, iforum and stacked themes... this page provides a bit more info: though we already set the content type and a solution by your host might be quite different...
I do not understand how this could be custom icon based as that has no effect on the css file and how its parsed or loaded... it appears that the custom icons are showing fine with css only... it would be worth a test to go back to default and remove the use of the custom icons (do not delete them, just edit the groups/forums and tell it no custom icon so you can quickly switch to using them) and see what happens... I would expect no change...
What is your storage location for the custom icons? you can see this on forum - integration - storage locations...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
also if you can tell me which theme and overlay you wan to use, I could create a quick css only version of that... easy to do if your server parses the php (just extract and go)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World