Support Forum
My server might need to be configured better, but I typically have 150 people on the site at any given moment. Whatever amount of traffic I have is making my forum very slow.
I have gravatar caching on... I need something else. This unfortunately just is not user friendly enough for me to be bouncing around on the forum. I'm dealing with minimum 10 second load times. Any help you can offer would be highly appreciated.
I think I asked about your hosting in one the other threads, but cannot remember...
all you pages load slow for me... the forum too... 150 users is not a large load... most servers should be able to handle it...
not on your site now, but how many forums on main page? less is better than more... use subforums if needed...
how many topics on forum view? again, less will improve performance...
how many posts on topic view? same story...
not advocating ridiculously small numbers, but if you are having server issues, it might help...
what are your avatar settings? maybe a screenshot of that admin panel...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I pay linode 80 bucks per month for a vps, and according to their support, I am well within memory limits. I've been having some problems with the way that my memory is partitioned... and I've gotten to the bottom of a lot of it.
The site seems to load quickly at this point, the forum, still not so much :-/
I have a bunch of forums on the main page... but the main page loads almost instantly. The subpages are the slow ones.
Where exactly can I find my admin panel to give you the screenshot you want?
I am looking at your site now in another browser tab and the forum is loading quite amazingly fast. I am seeing sub 2 second page load completions on all forum views. Which - if consistent - ain't bad for an $80 VPS. if it slows down with more and more users then that suggests to me you could need more php memory reserved.
Oh - and if you really have that many online much of the time then I would also make sure you optimise your database tables on a very regular basis.
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its very fast for me too today... but serving cached pages... which is problematic for dynamic content...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
S3 flowshield was pulling an immense amount of PHP memory. Having now served all of my free videos through youtube, that's no longer an issue.... which also saves me a ton of cloudfront data transfer AND gets me more YouTube views.... I'm digressing.
The forum pages load quickly, actually getting to a topic is still painful.
That's showing me 25 second load time, which is basically a failure.... no one will navigate through a forum at that rate.... and I have 46 topics I apparently need to respond to.
The dynamic content has not been an issue. I'm still able to tag people, the "online" status comes up, and I THINK my poll is working... but it stopped at 2 votes.
If either of you guys could possible test the poll, I'd appreciate it.
Right now dynamic content is taking a distinct second place position to 'having a usable forum'.
guest cannot vote in polls...
all the topics load in about 1 second for me...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
actually had one just take 10 seconds... most fast... so something still awry on server I would say... not related to caching that I could tell since every page load was cached...
forum - profiles - avatars... that is the screenshot I was looking for...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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