Support Forum

any caching plugins?
if not, sounds like a js conflict... see:
do you have a link to your site? we can help look for obvious conflicts, but that link will get you pointed in the right direction...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Thank you any help would be great. Keep in mind I know nothing about code - just woodworking
you can log into the forum as woodworkerjoe
PW wwj
windows 8 is not known to cause any problems...
but I am not seeing anything wrong... what buttons dont work? everyone I tried worked... which browser?
that said, there could be some issues because of that link I gave you... this is getting loaded:
incorrectly by your wp theme or another wp plugin... it violates the wp best practices in that its loading an external copy of jquery instead of the jquery that comes with wp - a recipe for problems...
if you can find the misbehaving theme or plugin and where its loading that, we can help correct it...
but still, what I tried worked fine...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
IE 10 works for me... no problems... but I am on Win 7... shouldnt matter and we have other IE 10 / Win 8 users...
Are you using IE 10 and Win 8 while visiting and using our support site? Any issues here? If not, then you may have other issues - note the jquery issue I already pointed out... that will be a problem especially since the incorrectly loaded jquery is much older than the wp version...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Yes at one point I was on your site with W8 & IE10 so I guess something else is wrong. I have no idea what your talking about with jquery etc. but its working with Firefox so I'll go that route.
Any idea about the Post As plugin not showing up on the forum? Not a big deal but handy sometimes.
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