Support Forum

This member, we'll call her "Lyn" is not able to see the tabs that everyone else does:
Members / Watching / Subscribed / Inbox.
She only sees the below:
Also, her name does not show up when trying to send her a private message! I checked her profile and she does NOT have "Opt out of Private Messaging" turned on. So she cannot send or receive private messages.
As always, your help is overwhelmingly appreciated by me (and alll the people that use my client's forum!)
does this member have permission to view members, watch topics, subscribe to forums/topics and use pm? check her usergroup membership and make sure she is in a group with those permissions...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Hola Mr Papa,
She is in the same User Group as everyone else.
I found the page, and have been looking at the Permission Set Up.
After setting up the main configuration you must turn on the permission for which members you want to grant PM privileges. This is done in the Manage Permissions area of the Forum Administration settings.
But, how do I check to see if she or any specific user has "Standard Access" and not "Limited"? (if that's the issue).
In looking at the Member PM Stats, I see 5 other members that it lists "No" under "Can PM". They all need to change. And I cannot find any logical connection between all 6 of them.
are you mapping new users based on wp role to a usergroup? forum - usergroups - map users to usergroups...
try going to forum - toolbox - housekeeping and resetting the auths cache and see if that helps...
are you using a membership plugin?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Ok, tried the auths cache reset and the 6 (well, now 5 as I realized one was supposed to have been removed from the forum anyway) still say "No" under "Can PM"
I do not believe this Forum was set up w/ any Membership plugins. I don't see anything in the list of plugins that sounds like that.
I have not used the "map users to usergroups" page before. but most defaults are set to "Members" (except guests & admin/editor)
There really is very little for a new member.
- In WP everyone's role is "Contributor" (except the admins, of course)
- In Simple-press, everyone is a member of the 2013 User Group
Thanks MP!
sorry if I asked this before and you answered, but replying via email... So are these 5 members part of a usergroup? you can also check on their profile like you did on permissions...
does that usergroup have a matched permission set on the forums?
might be worth reviewing:
to make sure you understand how controlling access works...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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