Support Forum
Hi there. The forum only displays within my WP theme when a user is logged in. When they are logged out, there is no integration of the forum with the theme in that the forum shows on top and the theme is at the bottom. See here: I have experimented with all and combinations of the theme display options within the Integration option and it is currently set to "Limit forum display to within WP loop". So it shows when logged in but not when logged out. I want it to be integrated whether logged in or logged out. Any suggestions?
Thanks but the forum is visible to everyone. What I need to know is how to integrate my wordpress theme with the forum in both the logged in and logged out status. At the moment, when logged out, the forum shows on the top of the page and the theme shows below it as you can see in the above URL. They are not integrated at all.
Wondering if there is a plugin conflict with the WP emember plugin? They were both installed and working before the SP upgrade however.
Can you tell me what I am supposed to be seeing as a non-registered user?
At the top I see a header with 5 menu items and a logo. Below that is the forum page. And then at the bottom I see a 'members services/members resources' bar and then a footer strip. What is wrong?
It's all very strange. I tried 3 different browsers and I was seeing just the forum at the top and the blank theme page (with 5 menu items) right below this, as if the forum was not integrated with the WP theme. When I logged in, they were integrated and when I logged out, they had separated. I went away for a couple of hours and came back to it and now everything's perfect. I have no idea what happened in those 2 hours, but thanks anyway for replying and let's hope they stay this way.
Absolutely. the cache plugin will cache the page that has a non-logged in user visiting and then show that to all subsequent users until the cache timeout happens - when it will repeat the process. Cahcing pages is god for blog posts and pages that do not change. But a forum is dynamic with constant changes and - different views served up to different users etc.
Keep the cache plugin active but you will need to exclude the forum page on ALL types of caching. There will be a section for excluding pages on all tabs (I believe). This usually works by entering the main forum page slug...