Support Forum
hello just trying to get simple:press installed. Had a bit of difficulty with the zip files, but have now unzipped these into the sp-resources directory.
The site is now installed on my new wordpress site, but under integration I get : ERROR: The page slug is either missing or incorrect. The forum will not display until this is corrected
Ok, I'm missing a page slug, this I understand, so I need to create this manually, but where, with what content, and what title.
I am wondering if my permissions on this shared serve are part of the problem.
On the forum page itself, I get a slew of notices Undefined index: group,
I'll keep looking but any ideas or suggestions would be great. cheers,
I unzipped the files on my computer and then uploaded them to the server. Then I installed the plugin via the wp admin panel. I got an error unable to create the directories for the two zip files and So I created an wp-content/sp-resources directory, unzipped these files and uploaded them.
I'm wondering if the windows server I am running this on doesn't like that Simple:press tries to create some files (or directories).
I have been looking more closely at those errors and I think you may be correct that the problem lies in permissions on the server and available access. While I know WP will run under IIS (which I assume you are using) we also know it can be the cause of a lot of problems and the WP dev team are not that fond of it!
Let's start to investigate as this is, hopefully, a simple matter. So - can you go to the forum admin > Integration > Storage Locations for starters to see if the folders are recognised, and if php thinks it can read and write to them.