Support Forum
I have the facebook comments plugin installed on wordpress. In it, I have chosen fb comments to show on pages and posts.
When I go to the forum page it loads above the forum. I don't want this to load on the forum page. Any suggestions?
I have also sent a message to the plugin creator to see if they have any thoughts.
Thanks Again!
Side question--do you moderate all your posts before they go "live" had a spammer today and would rather not allow posts to the forum to have to wait for me to moderate them but don't want this stuff on there either.
night owl time again, eh?
you can choose whether you want to moderate posts or not... please see our old wiki, but still applicable topic on post moderation:
here, we do not moderate any posts since the user has already purchased a subscription and we can assume they are not spammers...
yes, as you have seen, we make all the wp page content for the forum page come out at the top... but as to plugins, its really dependent on how it inserts the content... I suspect the way we are processing the page content is causing this to happen... I seem to remember another post similar... will have to think and research this a bit...
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Darn time change! How lucky you are to be where every few months you have to figure out is it forward or backward LOL
Anyway...I'm assuming I have it all set up ok as far as permissions go. I will be learning as we go along here but so far so good...except the lone stupid guy from ks...yes I do know how to trace an IP address 🙂 and more hehehe always helps to have friends in the know.
Let me know if you find that post referring to how I can get those comments to either not show up on the top of the forum page or down at the bottom of the forum almost seems redundant to have FB comment right above the forum 🙂
I'll let you know if I find a fix in the mean time.
Take Care
The best solution - obviously - is if the plugin author can give you a good fix. If not then the only other method to remove this would be to make some code changes and to do that we would need to find the spot in the plugin where it attaches itself to a page. If you want to wait on the author first that might be best... but your call of course.
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