Support Forum
It appears the the icons and Topic text are overlapping. How do I fix this?
Yellow Swordfish said
I am not seeing any forums on this site so its hard to say at the moment. Do you just not allow guests to see anything?
Please try again, it appears that my viewing permissions were changed after the update from 4.5.1. Format and everything is screwed up..
In addition, I would like to hide the "Sub-Forums" section that appears in the General forum section. I can't find a way to hide that from view.
In your other thread (why more than 1 is bad ) I asked you to reset the permissions? is this before or after that?
but will take a look...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
that is because you have an extremely narrow width given to the forum... so your icons on the left are wider than the % width allocated... but since 5.x uses themes, its a simple adjustment to give it more width...
open up your spGroupView.php template file in the theme you are using... find
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=6%&height=55px');
sp_ForumIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft');
and adjust the 6% width to something larger... be sure to take note of the other %s in the spGroupForumSection section so the total stays within 100%..
also make sure you have your own theme and not editing one of ours so you dont lose any changes on upgrade... see:
as to hide subforums, in same file, find
sp_ForumIndexSubForums('', __sp('Sub-Forums'), __sp('Browse topics in %NAME%'));
and comment out or remove...
I would suggest a good read of the codex too as most display elements are now controlled via themes and template functions just like a wp theme...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
In your other thread (why more than 1 is bad) I asked you to reset the permissions? is this before or after that?
but will take a look...
Sorry Papa, I was hoping there was a way for me to delete that other thread as the main issue with that thread was resolved per my update note. At any rate, I have not reset permissions as it stated the following and I didn't want to cause any further damage. I can PM you login credentials to get into the backdoor of the forum.
This will delete all roles and permissions for your forums. You will have to give your users access to your forums again.
Please note that this action can NOT be reversed
Click on the reset permissions button below to proceed
its your call really... if the permissions are working the way you want, then no need to reset them... was a reaction to the original error message... but could also explain why you think they were different... so yeah, if where you want, just leave alone...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm creating a child theme from the default theme at the moment. When you go into the post, the format is still out of sorts. The actually post text appear in some box and there is quite some space between that box and the entire post segment. Could you shed light on this huge gap?
same reason... the column for the post content has too large a width %... need to make 1 or 2 % smaller... in spTopicView.php template file... 84% to 83 or 82%...
there is a template file for each page view type...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
same reason... the column for the post content has too large a width %... need to make 1 or 2 % smaller... in spTopicView.php template file... 84% to 83 or 82%...there is a template file for each page view type...
That last suggestion of bringing it down to 82% seemed to do the trick. It appears that I will have to do a lot of customization, much like WP theme. Was hoping this update would work perfectly out of the box, but the new features may be worth the initial pain of tweaking the settings.
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