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We just imported our bbpress successfully but in the process we learned that there is a .htaccess in the wp-content folder that had <Files *.php> deny from all </Files>. We do not know how this was generated, but when it is enabled our forums are incorrectly formatted. We disabled it. Do you know the purpose of this .htaccess? We have not had any problems with any other WP functionality, why is it only causing a problem for Simple:Press?
sorry, but it does not come from us...
some security plugins like to try to lock down the wp-content folder when its not really needed... you say it affects simple press... do you mean the importer or simple press itself?
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both. When we disabled the .htaccess the bbpress import went quick and smooth. We re-enabled .htaccess thinking it must be there for a reason and we had no problems before but then the Simple:Press forum formatting was all messed up. We disabled the .htaccess and now the formatting is correct.
could just be a matter of what plugins you are using... by wp standards, plugins should be able to access wp-content... there is where plugins are supposed to add storage areas if needed... do you have other plugins that have created a storage area in wp-content?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes, by default anyways... but a user can make it be whatever they want by changing it on forum - integration - storage locations... just has to be something off of wp-content... it cannot be in the simple press plugin directory itself because when wp updates the plugin, it removes the plugin directory first before extracting the updated version...
I was just suggesting you look in wp-content and see if you have any other directories there besides the default wp ones...
but to be sure, without the .htaccess blocking access, all works correct?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, will leave that discussion over there...
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