Support Forum
I've upgraded my company's site from 4.5.1 to 5.3.4, and I'm receiving the message "The requested group does not exist or you do not have permission to view it" when I go to the forums, whether I'm logged in as administrator or not.
Looking at the Integration | Locations page, I see that the custom icons folder is not found. Using an FTP program to examine the directory structure, I find that in wp-content/plugins/simple-press, I only have the following sub-folders: admin, forum, resources, sp-api, and sp-startup. In 4.51, there were a lot of others.
Should I just copy the old styles folder from my 4.5.1 backup, or would that be a mistake? Am I missing anything else important?
is it not available or dont have permission?? guessing the latter and you may have hit a problem a couple of dozen folks have run into when upgrading from 4.5...
do not copy old style folder - it does not apply to 5.x which uses themes now...
what you will need to to do is go to forum - permissions - reset permissions... this will reset all your permission sets to the default.. if you had any custom permission set ups, you will need to remake those customizations...
this is a frustrating little bug that has affected a couple dozen users but we have not been able to replicate - even with a user's database on which it occurred... reseting the permissions gets you back, but you will want to run through your permissions sets and make sure they are how you want them..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
were you using custom icons? if not, dont need to worry.... but 4.5 custom icons may not be applicable to 5.x anyways... if you just want the storage locations panel to show all good, I would go to wo-content/sp-resources and create a directory called forum-custom-icons... then on the storage locations panel, point it there....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
definitely cleaner... the custom icons from 4.5 to 5.x is the one thing we couldnt really handle auto...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World