Support Forum
Installed the latest SF on my site moments ago.
Followed the installation instructions to the letter and it went fine, until I got to the part of the installation instructions that said, "At the conclusion of a successful install, a button will be displayed to load the forum admin and clicking on this will take you to the Storage Locations panel."
Clicked that button when it came up, was greeted with a message that said I had insufficient permissions to access that page.
The "Forums" menu on the left of my WP Dashboard only has one link in it - "Admins". And all that lets me do is specify whether I get emails on a new topic, or bypass the logout redirect.
Looked at the Troubleshooting guide and found nothing of use, so shelled out thirty-nine dollars so I can get some help to see if I can even use the plugin at all. (?!?!?!)
I'm logged in as the one and only Super Admin. If I go to the newly-created Forum page on my site, I can see five poorly-formatted versions of exactly the same information (including "Logged in as", a search box, breadcrumbs and a box that tells me no user groups have been created). Below that, there's my site theme with a properly-formatted version of the forum, again containing the same information as the unformatted versions.
Appreciate any help. I've spent the weekend evaluating forum resources, and if I can't get this working I'm going to chuck Wordpress altogether. Perhaps even my machine, straight out the office window.
super admin?? is this multisite? did you install it on main site or one of the network sites? or do you just mean a wp admin in standard wordpress mode?
five versions? of the forum display? nice wp theme or plugin doing wonky things... I would say go to forum - integration - page and permalink and see the options in the display options section.. namely display multiple, display in loop and strict api... but sounds like you cannot get there...
so lets get that working first...
but would like the first question in this post answered first as it could impact path forward...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry, yes. Admin. It's not Multi-Site. 🙂
Sadly I can't get to anything else, so navigating to Intergration and whatnot isn't an option - literally the only thing that doesn't throw an "insufficient permissions" screen is the Forum -> Admins. In fact, that's the only menu item I have.
Even tried deactivating and reactivating, but no change.
okay, so lets do something real quick....pull up phpmyadmin or your db tool of choice... go to the wp user meta table... we want to look up a meta entry for your user id... the meta key will be wp_capabilities but your prefix might be other than wp_...
for that entry, lets change it to:
a:14:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";s:18:"SPF Manage Options";s:1:"1";s:17:"SPF Manage Forums";s:1:"1";s:22:"SPF Manage User Groups";s:1:"1";s:22:"SPF Manage Permissions";s:1:"1";s:21:"SPF Manage Components";s:1:"1";s:16:"SPF Manage Users";s:1:"1";s:17:"SPF Manage Admins";s:1:"1";s:18:"SPF Manage Toolbox";s:1:"1";s:24:"SPF Manage Configuration";s:1:"1";s:19:"SPF Manage Profiles";s:1:"1";s:15:"SPF Manage Tags";s:1:"1";s:17:"SPF Manage Themes";s:1:"1";s:18:"SPF Manage Plugins";s:1:"1";}
that should get you back as an sp admin... use caution copying - raw code so quotes dont get messed up...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Did that. No change in my access. Still can only get to Forum -> Admins.
And still seeing 5 unformatted versions of the Forum on the page.
Let me add: Against my better judgment, this is on a live site. Figured that because there's no link to it yet, there was no harm in messing around "backstage". (So changing themes isn't an option.)
You can see the five unformatted / one formatted version at this link:
really? not sure how that is possible... sure it was your user id? and the meta key entry would have already existed... you were just changing the data... what was it before?
in the sfmembers table, for your user id, what is the value in the admin column?
can you repost that meta key from your db?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes, I understood...
I was hoping you could paste back from your db the code you put in there... did you use the copy raw code button?
and wanted to make sure the meta_key entry already existed... and if you knew what it was before you over wrote it...
good, that column should be 1...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sure thing. And yes, I used the "copy raw code" button. Code I pasted is:
a:14:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";s:18:"SPF Manage Options";s:1:"1";s:17:"SPF Manage Forums";s:1:"1";s:22:"SPF Manage User Groups";s:1:"1";s:22:"SPF Manage Permissions";s:1:"1";s:21:"SPF Manage Components";s:1:"1";s:16:"SPF Manage Users";s:1:"1";s:17:"SPF Manage Admins";s:1:"1";s:18:"SPF Manage Toolbox";s:1:"1";s:24:"SPF Manage Configuration";s:1:"1";s:19:"SPF Manage Profiles";s:1:"1";s:15:"SPF Manage Tags";s:1:"1";s:17:"SPF Manage Themes";s:1:"1";s:18:"SPF Manage Plugins";s:1:"1";}
...and it looked the same before I overwrote it.
(Went looking for the "Raw code" in the editor to send it back to you, couldn't spot it.)
there is no raw code copy when pasting - that is when copying a code section... to create new code section, paste the text, highlight and select the code button... it looks like${}... and select the language...
I have to admit, a bit befuddled... and that does not happen often!
you do not cache the admin, right?
and you are really logged in for the user id that you made the user meta change? (sorry, have to ask)
is your wp admin translated? (ie in non English language)
any other plugins that explicitly deal with wp admins and limiting access?
just gathering info...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World