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I've tried installing SimplePress on my website, but cannot get it to integrate. So, thinking it might conflict with a theme or other plugin, I created a completely virgin website on another server for test purposes. Here is my configuration:
WordPress 3.5.1., 2012 theme, no content, no tweaks, virgin "out of the box" install.
Next, installed SimplePress v 5.2.6, no content, no users, no nothing. Virgin install.
I go to Integration: Page and Permallink, I see the following:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/c1799428/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/admin/problem-with-post-edit-buttonelp/spa-ahah-troubleshooting.php on line 82
it works for hundreds of thousands, so lets not yell and figure out what is going on locally...
so the error message indicates that a standard wp function wp_remote_get() which reaches out to sp servers to get information is failing... any idea why a remote request is rejected or failing? doesnt look like we are handling the error properly, but thats not your real issue here...
so are you able to get to other admin panels? if so, anything on forum - toolbox - error log?
when you say you tried manually to update it, do you mean the forum permalink on forum - integration - page and permalink? and on same panel, is that page selected from the dropdown?
any pages in the trash?
no pages? no users? we dont create pages or users... they are part of wp... the only thing we will create is a single wp page to display the forum on... I assume when you said you verified the wp page slug as forum, the page was indeed created...
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it works for hundreds of thousands, so lets not yell
and figure out what is going on locally…
Sorry. It's been a while since I've posted on a forum. I forgot that UPPERCASE was yelling. I'll watch that. . .
so are you able to get to other admin panels? if so, anything on forum – toolbox – error log?
I've looked at the error log file, and I don't see anything in the error log that seems related. There are quite a few entries in that log, but they didn't occur when I tried to update the permalinks. Here is an example of an error from the error log (they're all pretty much about the same subject):
file: /simple-press/forum/content/sp-common-view-functions.php
line: 2466
function: Unavailable
Notice | Trying to get property of non-object
I did notice an error in the change log:
First, it says it didn't find a change log for build 9877. then the following error appears:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/c1799428/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/admin/panel-toolbox/forms/spa-toolbox-changelog-form.php on line 45
when you say you tried manually to update it, do you mean the forum permalink on forum – integration – page and permalink? and on same panel, is that page selected from the dropdown?
any pages in the trash?
no pages? no users? we dont create pages or users… they are part of wp… the only thing we will create is a single wp page to display the forum on… I assume when you said you verified the wp page slug as forum, the page was indeed created…
I just mean that, in the virgin test site I created, I didn't muddy the waters by creating users or pages. The install did create the single Forum page, with the forum slug in it.
If you would like, I could give email you an administrative login/password for the site so you could look at it. It is not my production site, just a dummy for testing.
Thanks for the assistance
so that new error again is a remote http request... any thoughts on why you would be blocking those??? they are causing fatal errors and they should not be any error... we will have to fix up if that occurs, but no reason for it to be occurring...
dont worry about the notice, its harmless...
yeah, if you want to send along some admin credentials via pm, I can take a look later today...
in the mean time, you should research those http remote requests not working...
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