Support Forum
I had only barely set up an installation of simple-press 4.4.5, so I am not very familiar with it, but I know that I had found a way to turn off certain elements from displaying, such as the forum statistics, time zone...I think it was related to where you could opt for either text or an icon to display in certain places, which I expect may have disappeared. I think it was under "Global Display Settings"? But for the purpose I want, I would like to remove a lot of the standard text that displays, like "top posters", and maybe I would like to remove even the RSS feed option buttons, but I can't find out how to remove or hide those.
I've selected "Disable All RSS Feeds" on the RSS options, for example, but they're not all off. The buttons still show, although the main forum button is just a link to the forum, not to a feed; each topic still has a feed available. I've checked the RSS for the forums, and I can still try to subscribe to topics in the forum, even though RSS is supposed to be disabled.
Not sure if I've hit a bug or if I am the problem, which is very likely.
WP 3.2.1, simple-press build 7032 (WP updater, not SVN)
the majority of options for turning off elements are now gone... They are all controlled via your SP theme... much, much more control and power... themes and plugins for SP are the two biggest features of 5.0...
so all the stats are now output, at least in our two supplied themes, in the spFoot template file... remove whatever you want... or add whatever you want...
themes will now function a lot like your wp theme does...
A word of caution though... if you change or modify the default or iForum theme we supply, and you update during the alpha, beta or beyond, your changes may get overwritten... so you may want to create your own theme...
I did a quick check on the disable RSS feeds and something is wonky there... Will open a ticket and get it fixed up...
subscribing to topics is different than subscribing to rss feeds... have you just confused terminology and really meant subscribe to topic rss feed?
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A fix for the RSS issues has been committed. you can get the changes via SVN or wait for the nightly generation.
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littler.chicken, can you confirm that the RSS fixes correct your issue? thanks!
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Thanks for the info about the themes...I had not realized that. Will create a new theme and start working on that.
Yes, sorry, I did really mean subscribe to the topic RSS feed, not subscribe to the topic. It was the RSS feed that it was letting me subscribe to, although I meant for that to be turned off.
I'm using the WP updater, not SVN, but the forum update isn't showing yet, either under forums or under plugins. I will report back on the RSS issue when that hits for me. Thank you so much!
eta: on your forum, when I click the "Watch this Topic" button, it reloads the page, but the topic doesn't get added to my list of watched topics. I'm able to find this through my profile but thought you would want to know that I can't watch it. Thanks.
I dont know when we will update the version in the updater...
you cant watch a topic here? confused on your method based on your statement...
Are you using the 'Watch' button or the 'Watch this topic' checkbox on the post form when you submit a topic/post?
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have confirmed it with the 'Watch' button near the bottom of the page... ticket opened...
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This has been fixed and the changes committed to SVN...
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Thanks for the super fast responses!
Updated the test site and the RSS buttons are all gone, thank you!
After this update, there is a line of text at the top of the forum pages (but not the rest of the site). Here is the html of what it is:
<div class="spdebug">1 - Updated</div>
eta: the watch button works now. Thank you!