Support Forum
Okay.. so I'm working on setting up a SP forum. When in the admin side there is a button on the upper-hand hand "go to forum".. I've seen it work once. Now it simply goes to a 404 page. What should I be doing? I don't want the forum to be public yet, I still need to configure it.. dont' have groups or forums defined for instance. But I want to set up the colors to match my site etc.
Forum admin > Integration > Page and Permalink...
is there a WP page selected at the top to display the forum on? And if not then please select one. Then after that, save the updated settings and then click on the update forum permalink button about half way down.
Any change?
Should be here:
Attaching screenshot of my forum/integration/page and Permalink..
Should work, yes?
Glad to hear that. It seems that there is a delay I'm not expecting.
So when I came back to this in fact the them I had chosen did render in the forum. But when I went to change the overlay, I save, I can see it working, I choose "go to forum" and my change isnt' there. Cache? I expect it to be instant... not so?
wont be our caching... but of course, if you are running a wp cache plugin, you will need to tell it to ignore the wp page the forum is on since our content is all dynamic on that single wp page...
if you choose a different theme, ie css, you may need to clear your browser cache...
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