Support Forum

Since we've started to use Simple Press +- 4 weeks ago, non of the forum topics which is roughly about +- 65 have been indexed by google yet. I cannot find any issues so I am hoping you someone here can assist.
The normal posts from our site gets indexed within one or two days but it seems that none of the forum topics have been indexed yet. Sitemap: (they are all at the end of the site map).
I've installed the SP Google Sitemap plugin and I've ensured that "Guest" visitors can access the forum so I am not sure what else to check.
Any advice or assistance will be appreciated.
well, if they are in the sitemap and you are notifying google about the sitemap, not much else can be done... its up to google to crawl the site... indexing normally happens quite quickly...
I see your site is viewable by guests, so it can be crawled... also notice that your canonical url is correct, so google wont get confused my multiple content...
what are you seo options for updating the sitemap?
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