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I screwed something up in the editor when trying to change the login logo. I tried to add a line of code but that didn't work and ended up using login logo plugin. I might of added it twice or not. How to I get my functions.php back to where it was?
I now get this error line on new user registration
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, '' was given in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/cjacobs/public_html/ on line 403
Hard to say without looking at the php code itself. You edited the functions.php file in your wordpress theme or the spFunctions.php file in the SP theme?
Either way if you grab the stock supplied one from either one and replace the one you changed that should fix it. Unless there are other changes you made to it that you need to keep.
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