Support Forum

Apart from admins, I have three other levels of membership on my forum - committee members, club members, forum members (and guests). Committee members have full access, club members have standard access and forum members have limited access. Under Permissions > Manage Permission Sets I have it set so that both full access and standard access can view the members list and view profiles of members. Full access can also view email and IP addresses of members.
Why is it then that Committee members with full access only see other Committee Members and Admins when they click on Members? I am not sure now what Club members with standard access see, but assume that if Committee members cannot see all members then Club members probably won't either.
I know when I hover over the 'i' in Manage Permission Sets it says 'This may or may not be limited to other members who share user groups and permissions', but how do I set it so that these user groups can see all user groups?
It depends... out of the box, our themes set the members list such that members can only see other members in the same usergroups as themselves... you can of course change that...
In your sp theme (make sure you have your own vs changing ours to keep from losing your mods on updates), edit the template file spMembersView.php... find:
if (sp_has_member_groups('usergroup', 'id', 'asc', 15, true)) {
and change it to
if (sp_has_member_groups('usergroup', 'id', 'asc', 15, false)) {
and each usergroup will be able to see the other usergroups...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
see this:
on how to create your own theme... then just edit like you would ours...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
no worries! we still have lots of info to get up there too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

I want to get rid of that button, I saw on previous versions of Simple Press that you could do that by unselecting it. But I don't I don't see that option in the current version.
Is it possible not to display the Members button on top of the forum? I would like to give my members some privacy, I am also not happy with the fact that they can see the email addresses the registered with.
Hope you can help.

You have two options for removing the members list button.
You can simply go to the permissions management for any permission sets you are using and turn off the option that allows users tied to that set to view the members list. Or - you can edit the spHead.php template and remove the display function for the button. The difference is that with the latter the button will be gone for good. With the former you, as an admin, will still see and have the button available while your members will not.
Not sure what you mean by 'see the email addresses they registered with'. Not sure why you would be uncomfortable with people seeing their own email address...! But - that is also a permission you can turn off just like the members list. Again - you will still see email addresses as the forum admin and owner.
Might be worth your while just spending a few minutes looking at the various permissions so you can set them up as you want them.
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