Support Forum
Hi All
I cannot get Gravatars to work on my simple:press forum.
I have tried to change Rating setting to G/PG/R/X nothing works :S
Gravatars are in top Avatar priority
Today I have installed Gravatar cache, But no files are in folder, so it seems SP is not downloading the gravatar.
Gravatars work fine in my Wordpress profiles, And on this forum.
Is there any way to debug gravatar capture ? maybe a log file ?
until its working, please disable the gravatar cache plugin to take it out of the equation...
if the gravatar is not showing, what does show?
do you have a link to your site?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have now disabled the Gravatar cache plugin.
The forum is showing uploaded photo, if the user has uploaded one, else it will show the SP default icon.
You can see the site here :
In my wordpress there is no problem downloading the Gravatar.
Ask the user - whose gravatar was not found - to go to their profile and reset their avatar. See what happens,. I have been on to your site several times now and a few times it took a long, long time to open the pages. It may be that the original attempt to grab the gravatar failed. Either way - i think you need a few more people to post and exhibit the same issue to enable more diagnosis.
By the way - curious as to why you embedded the image in your last post as raw data in the img src?
I have tested this on 3 users now, All of them failed.
I dont know why the page is loading slow today, must be problem at hosting provider, this has not been a issue before.
How many Forum accounts / Gravatar users would you like me to test ? for dianosis.
There are not many post, but should the Avatar/gravatar not show up in the profile?
I am missing the Gravatar Reset Cache button if that is the one you are talking about .
I have now created 5 Gravatar test users, who all have different gravatars, they are all working in WordPress, but none are working in SP.
In the English section i have created gravatar test forum, where all testusers have created a post to see if that would initialize gravatar download.
this is quite odd and unique... so a couple questions...
what version of SP and WP?
any other plugins (or theme interactions) on the wp side that are aiding your gravatars? or just stock wp for them?
what's really odd here is that your site is not even querying for them...
can you go in, rearrange the order of the avatar then put them back the way you want and resave? if that doesnt help, please look in the db for one of the users, in the sfmembers table, and give us the contents of the avatar column for that user...
also, btw, you have remote avatars enabled, but with the priorities you have set up, they will never be used... the avatar search will always 'find' the default sp avatar...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World