Support Forum
It appears that the Guest view of FORUMs shows jumbled text once you click on the threads. I set global permission set for Guest to Read Access. Please see how you can help.Viewing it as an admin or member, looks just fine.
I can provide you with a member/admin account to get backdoor access.
jumbled?? what does that mean? screenshot? actually, I can see it fine...
back when this started, remember I told you to make sure you column %s did not exceed 100%? well, they total 106% right now... so things wont fit... adjust your column widths to stay within 100%...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
This is what the view of the forum looks like using Internet Explorer:
1. Pic 1 - First page of Forum, looks fine -
2. Pic 2 - View of "Introduce Yourself" Thread -
The issue seems to be an Internet Explorer issue.. Here is the exact same post from FireFox -
So this seems to be a browser based issue. I got the same results from two separate computers using IE. Can you try to view using IE as well? The % tweaks I did seemed to work just fine for FireFox, but the format is way too screwed up in IE. In fact, the frames don't even seem to appear.
did you apply the correction I said in the post above??? it appears to be a column width issue... you have total % widths greater than 100%... after changing, did you clear your browser cache too? IE insidiously hangs on to cached data...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Any suggestions as to which php files I need to modify and to which value without compromising any of the modifications I've made to improve it from what it started as? As the changes I've made appear to work nicely on FireFox, I don't want to screw anything up to ruin the work I did to at least get that done. I'm trying to figure out which lines I need to modify to bring it down by 6% total.
Mr Papa said
did you apply the correction I said in the post above??? it appears to be a column width issue... you have total % widths greater than 100%... after changing, did you clear your browser cache too? IE insidiously hangs on to cached data...
keep going a bit lower... IE treats padding a bit different than some other browsers... so you may want the total at 98 or something... if I can, will stop by shortly and see - but getting late... with IE and the dev tools, easy to just 'what if'...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I can't look at this is IE (OSX user) but I can see the issue in Firefox. The real problem is that your theme allows so little width to display the forum page. But - some details.
The three main templates are spGroupView.php, spFiorumView.php and spTopicView.php.
Each of those - in the sections for displaying forum lists (spGroupView), topic lists (spForumView) and post lists (spTopicView) divide the display up into columns. These can clearly be seen in the templates by the use of the sp_columnStart() function.
Each column is given a default percentage width - looks for the width= value in each column. When taken together these should never add up to more than 100% although - as Steve pointed out above - because IE is still not totally CSS standard it is better to use a total of under 99%.
If I look at your 'front' forum page (spGroupView) and add up the percentages - I see they currently total 106%. Hence the mess.
I can't advise so easily on good values to use - it is a bit of a try it and see - but certainly I can see you can reduce the icon left hand column for starters. You really need to fiddle with these values until it works for you remembering to keep within the maximum value.
This sort of tinkering is rarely needed by the way but is usually needed when the space allowed for the forum is so narrow.
As always we recommend that you create your own SP theme so that any customisation is not lost during a future update. (
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