Support Forum
hai my forum page is working fine but when i am clicking on members link or other links in forum does not work.
Will you please assist me,
Actually the ONLY thing that seems to work for me IS the profile popup. All other links are failing.
Something is badly mangling and corrupting the URLs. What is .../forum-2/#!/forum-2/members for example? It has the page slug (forum-2) in there twice. It has the '#1' in there which means nothing to the page permalinks.
i am not saying you can not load these pages with AJAX but you only can if the URLs are correct and they are being badly corrupted.
There are also JavaScript errors being thrown to do with a 'Gallery' script and 'Feature Image'.
It's a bit of a mess. The only thing I CAN get to work is the bit you said does NOT work - the profile popup
I think you are asking the wrong people. Simple:Press creates a normal WordPress page and delivers the display via the_content WordPress filter. It then uses the standard WordPress rewrite_rules to construct and resolve the URLs. This is a very normal, straightforward and common thing to do. So I think you should really be asking the authors of your other AJAX plugin why they have so much of a problem supporting this.