Support Forum
Hello Andy, Ike, Steve
I hope all is well with you!
Have not been here at the SP forum for an long time, since my own forum have worked flawless.
Lets get to business.
I have a user group called "medlem" (members in swedish. I am not using forum ranks, but the forum displays the forum rank "medlem" (default i think).
This results in every member displaying "medlem" twice. Example:
It would be great if i could hide the forum ranks, since i am not using them anyway.
Hey Meztli,
Good to know all has been well with your forum!
The function that displays memberships as default displays the text title. You can fix this one nice and quickly with a additional argument 'showTitle'.
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure you're running a child theme right?
Edit your spTopicViewDesktop.php template - Around line 139 you should have 'sp_PostIndexUserMemberships'. Add 'showTitle=0' so:
sp_PostIndexUserMemberships('tagClass=spPostUserMemberships spCenter&showTitle=0');
And that should do it!
Hi guys,
I want to do an update, that could be useful to other SP members.
Ike, your suggestion removed both the forum rank and the user group name (but left the badge).
I did however accomplish what i wanted by edit below line:
sp_PostIndexUserRank('tagClass=spPostUserRank spCenter&showBadge=1&hideIfSpecialRank=1');
And simply add 'showTitle=0'
sp_PostIndexUserRank('tagClass=spPostUserRank spCenter&showBadge=1&hideIfSpecialRank=1&showTitle=0');