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When a user registers they are actually registering through wordpress rather than the forum. How would I give the illusion that users are actually registering only at the forum?
I don't want them to see the wordpress bar on top, i dont want them to see the wordpress profile screen ideally. When a user registers it would be nice if they only could login to the forum from the forum itself, and could only see their forum profile rather than anything else.
If there are some wordpress plugins that might simplify this please point me in the right direction
We have never understood why the WordPress team insist on taking registered users to their WP profile or the WP Dashboard either.
Go to the forum admin > options > global settings and use the 'WP Admin Pages Access' options we have made available. You might also want to look at the login and registration settings (under components) where you can set up redirects.
As to the WP 'Admin Bar' then we use a plugin ( to get rid of that nasty thing...
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